Oct 31, 2011

[random pictures]

hey everybody :D i was really busy these days,so i had no time for my blog.
here are some random pictures i've taken recently: my room and my little bunny ♥
815488_karysel (500x333, 162Kb)
815488_komnata (500x333, 200Kb)
815488_krol_spit_pod_sviterom (500x333, 246Kb)
815488_krol_s_igryshkami (500x333, 192Kb)
815488_krol_s_fingi (500x333, 225Kb)

Oct 22, 2011

[handmade candle]

this pretty handmade candle makes me feel like it's summer^^
815488_rakyshki (500x333, 208Kb)
815488_vaza (500x333, 200Kb)
815488_svechi (500x333, 202Kb)
815488_vaza_svechi (500x333, 207Kb)

Oct 18, 2011

[september shopping,part #4]

this is the last post about my september shopping.my new dark blue jeans and the same colour blouse.they do match very prettily:
815488_oggi (500x333, 187Kb)
815488_djinsi (500x330, 237Kb)
my day in pictures:
815488_mashina (500x333, 254Kb)
815488_mashina2 (500x333, 215Kb)
815488_mashina3 (500x333, 205Kb)
815488_babyface2_1_ (500x375, 195Kb)
815488_bebi_1_ (333x500, 174Kb)

Oct 13, 2011

[september shopping,part #3:accessories.]

new earrings:
815488_serejki_osen (500x333, 294Kb)
new rings,omg,i really like it!:
815488_kolechki (500x459, 386Kb)
my autumn inspired manicure:
815488_nogti_osen2 (500x333, 214Kb)
815488_nogti_osen1 (500x333, 254Kb)
815488_sova (500x333, 240Kb)

Oct 8, 2011

[september shopping,part #2]

this is the continuation of the previous post: jackets (H&M)
815488_pidjakir (500x333, 157Kb)
this is me:
815488_alleya_ve (500x333, 288Kb)
815488_ve2 (600x442, 412Kb)
my sister Annet: ^^
815488_annet2 (600x444, 429Kb)
which jacket do you prefer?

пост на русском: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/815488/post187996850/

Oct 5, 2011

[september shopping,part #1]

dress H&M
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya4 (500x333, 270Kb) 
blouse Seppala
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya3_1_ (500x333, 275Kb)
belts Jennifer
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya6 (500x333, 202Kb)
jackets H&M
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya1 (500x333, 198Kb)
cardigans OGGI
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya2 (500x333, 217Kb)
skirt NYer
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya5 (500x333, 246Kb)
jacket NYer
815488_pokypki_sentyabrya7 (500x333, 223Kb)

пост на русском: www.liveinternet.ru/users/815488/post187607966/

[birthday gifts]

earrings from mum:
815488_gift2 (500x333, 187Kb)
815488_gift3 (500x333, 207Kb)
815488_gift1_1_ (500x333, 195Kb)
daisy by marc jacobs from Dennis:
815488_gift4 (500x333, 190Kb)
815488_gift5 (500x333, 215Kb)